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Sebatron 2000e uprade?

how do i know that i will be purchasing a newer version; the following quote was taken from an early post from a user who said he emailed Sebatron and this was their reply "The upgraded units feature more gain and refinements. Bottom end response has been tailored . In other words we shaved half a db or so around 120 hz.There’s also an improvement up top around 12khz.

Roland VS 1880 to wav files


I have an old project packed to disc from a VS1880 that I sold a couple of years ago. Now I am wanting to unpack this project and finish it using a newer studio. However, even if I borrow a VS1880 from a friend, I noticed it doesn't export to WAV.

Anyone have any advice how I can reclaI'm my packed files and get them to a system where I can work them again?


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