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XYZ cool band name.

Does it stand for X yes & zeppelin.

I know there was a band project called that in the early eighties, or was it the very late seventies.

Band members were; Alan white, Chriss Squire, Jimmy page and Mr palnt himself was supposed to do the vocals, but it never got further than studio demos.

Hope You do the name Justice.

have santa cruz, but want to go to echo mia/midi but.

the speakers i have at this moment only have 1/8 out (my friend tells me they are surround sound) and the ehco mia/midi has 2 sets of 1/4 right an dleft, making it hard to go from surround sound to the two 1/4, i am wondering, if i keep my old sound card for output(speakers) and use the new one for recording and such in 24 bit, is it worth it, considering i am going ot be eventually compressing

recording multiple instruments simultainiously but seperat

I've been trying to record drums and guitar simultainiously but on seperate tracks. Is it the software capabilities [acid pro] or am I just setup wrong? I've tried the guitars through one sound card and my mixer for my drums through another but i think my computer only reads one at a time,is there a setting?


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