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I'm in need of some ideas...

I'm in the middle of recording a three song demo for a local band. Everything is sounding great except that on one the songs I inadvertently recorded my left overhead mic twice and my right OH mic is MIA.

My question is, is there any way short of re-tracking the drums to reconstruct a right OH track?

Thanks in advance.

Need Digital Recording Direction

Hi, I am new to recording and need some direction, so here are some questions for the experts out there. I am using Cubase to mix and Wavelab to master:

1. IN mixing, How much headroom should I factor in when recording my separate tracks? Do I just try for the closest level to 0 db without clipping or do I factor some decibals like -5db or -10db.

I have a Yamaha 4-track


Many advanced apologies for my ignorance.

I have a Yamaha 4 track, analog.

And one mic. I use it for vocals.

I also have a pretty respectable four piece indie rock band. Guitar, Base, Drums, Vocals.

I'm looking to start recording. WITH my 4 track.

With THE VERY BASICS in mind, what do I need in the line of mixers, processors, mics, etc.

Does a Sebatron need warmup time?

Hey Sebatron ,

I was doing some recording with some vintage tube mics and the guy who rents them out said they should warm up for 30-60 minutes before using. What about the Sebatron . Is it better to give it a warm-up time? If so, how much?

Another question: Is there the most valve action on Pad 0, less valve action at Pad -15, then the least at Pad -30?

Roland VS 2480 thrid party plugins

I was wondering if any body knows if you can use pre existing programes to load into the roland expansion vs8 f board or deos the exiting companys such as IK make special plugins. I already own a lot of the programmes that roland is now supporting but I need some more info before purchasing this new expansion board :?


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