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Yellow Tool's Candy Saxaphone softsynth - Opinions?

I'm looking for good quality sax sounds in a softsynth. I current use Steinberg's Halion as my major softsynth sampler. Unfortunately, I can't find any good quality sax sounds formatted for Halion. In fact, good quality sax sounds seem to be hard to find for both softsynths and hardsynths.

Side-Chain misconception, help me, OK?

Hey guys and gals,
Why is a compressor's sidechain a send/return? I mean,
I understand the signal needs to come TO the SC, but why have the ability to send FROM it? Also, does this change the signal to unbalanced at that point, and if so why would I use that signal further along in the signal chain?

Sob story and question.

I really feel wierd with this post:

Well I got laid off today from my day job and sole income. My last day is December 3rd (me and my girlfriends anniversary). Crappy huh? Does anyone know of any studios in the Chicago area that will give me a fair shake at employment? I already tried talking to Studio Chicago a few months ago and that went over like a lead balloon.

Searching For a Budget Preamp Help!

Im searching for a decent Preamp the only thing holding me back from something 'great".

is Low budget!

price range is $600 max.

I seen a few cheap ones,but all of the stories of Behringer scare me!

I just need it for vocals i suppose...

something thats better than the digi 001's
inconjuction wth a AI3

thanks for any tips.

One more question about studio monitors

I am relatively new to the business and just blew up one of my old Alesis Monitor ones. After going to a few shops around, I realized that I really needed a good pair of passive monitors. Those Alesis really weren't really up to snuff. I have seen some Genelecs, Events and Dynaudio. I have a relatively large control room and would be using the new monitors for both tracking and mixing.