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P & D (pressing distribution) deal - Anyone have any info?

In a recent read of one of my favorite magazines, i noticed that one producer mentioned what a P&D deal means. He says that :

"P&D stands for pressing and distribution, under this new deal, a new artist who wants to start a label can get thier records pressed up for free, and then have them distributed to all the shops" he then mentions..

Soundcard: Do I need +4dBu ins? Or is -10dBV okay?

I'm going to buy a new soundcard. I am going to buy one that has balanced ins, but should I also sure that the balanced ins take +4dbu, or is -10dBV input okay? Will it even make a difference?

My preamp is a Mackie 1202, so I can send my output through either +4dBu or -10dBV.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Goodbye, LynxTwo. What's next?

Well, I finally put my LynxTwo up for auction on eBay. I'm going to miss that card, but I really need the money.

I'd like to try to get a decent soundcard for $200-250. I really only need two ins and two outs. Any suggestions? I know it won't be nearly as good as the LynxTwo, but oh well.

Thanks in advance for the advice.

studio monitors stand up or lay down

Hi i'm looking some pics over the net and i c that most studio monitors at pro studios ar laying down with the tweeter facing outside, Is it better or what?, i try my own monitors at the two positions (standing up and laying down)(tweeters out and in) and it seems to be a little bit difference in hi freq response.