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Laptop recording question (basic)

Hi everyone - I have been reading the posts here for a while and now have a question for the experts here. It's pretty remedial but I haven't found a clear answer anywhere yet.
I have been doing some live recording using board feed/room mic into a mixer into an Alesis HD recorder. I am thinking about switching to something like a MOTU 828 or 896 into a laptop.

Renaissance Maxx

I just purchased the Renaissance Maxx bundle last night. Until now, I've just used the pluginsthat came with Pro Tools LE. what a difference! I did notice they tax the ole CPU more. I'm using a 850 MHZ Mac PowerBook with the Digi 002. I know it depends on the project and how many tracks...but I got up to about 6 different effects running...then it started to crap out.

Paging file not set error

Each time I boot my computer I get an error message that the paging file is not set or too small.

This is new because when I setup the box I followed the WinXP tweak guide and set it. I think it was 512 min and max.

Now when I try to reset it, it will allow me to but when the computer reboots I get the same message and the paging file was not changed.


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