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Dodgy Sennheiser MD421?

Hey folks...I just bought another Sennheiser MD421 from a friend that is in need of some repair. It sounds horrible compared to my other one! Very thin, tinny, and just basically unusable!

I put it on a tom tonight along with my other 421 on the other mounted tom, and I could not believe how bad it sounded!

I ended up using a pair of Audix D2's that sound just fantastic!

Utter confusion on Converters A/D, D/A, Clocks, aaahh

Hi, I am confused about something here, can't find the answer anywhere:

I'm looking hard at a Lynx soundcard. Easy enough right?

I have been reading posts from many boards about these, and how much people love them. Fine.

Then I start reading about people also have their Lynx cards connected to A/D converters, external clocks, D/A converters. What/why/Oh no.

Thanks for higher level

I would like to thank this forum and all the people who have provided insight. Since I discovered this forum, the level of my recordings has improved exponentially. I'm amaised at how a good pre-amp (Sebatron VMP-2000E) and a good microphone (Sanken CU-44X) can provide such an amazingly better sounding, more dimensionial sounding recording.