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Getting audio into Laptop?

Laptop has pcmcia slots and fire wire port and CDrom.

I want to get pre-master material ino laptop to do cross fades and some minor editing.

I have Masterlink created 24 bit CDs and also 16 bit nonmastered CDs that others have created.

I want to do home mastering of these from laptop - HEDD - VariMu - massive Passive - Hedd - redbook burn.

Somebody Help Me Before I Behringer...

I need a cheap simple rackmount mixer for say... 6 to 12 stereo pairs (12 to 24 channels total). I don't need lotsa aux sends, I don't need lotsa EQ, just clean and not a lot of rack real estate.

I am going to use this in my studio, but not for my recording signal path, just my quick and dirty hear-everything-at-once device.