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Alesis HD 24. Did I change my mind?

I was just talking to another engineer about his HD 24. I mentioned that I had some concerns about compatability in the future, and archiving. I was completely ignorant of the features of this device. He told me that If I picked up one of these babies icould interface with Pro Tools. Also i can assign an ip adress and pull tracks from somewhere else on the network.

major upgrades! Need good advice.

Here's the story. I have recently been approached by an investor who is willing to fund my studio. Renovations, equipment upgrades, whole new facility, whatever. I just need to com up with a solid plan.
I know enough that I can't get too trigger happy, because if I spend too much it will drive prices up, and business down.

Groove Tubes System 6TM. How does it compare to...


How does it compare to something like the RODE NTK, ADK A51TC or Studio Projects T3? Is it a good used buy at £200 inc shipping?

Should it be an improvement for vocals over the C1, GT55 & RE1000 I currently use (I know voices differ)? Should I save for a new £350 tube like those mentioned above, or grab the used GT for £200?


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