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Sennheiser 421 applications (or "How do you use you

..again, posted elsewhere, but curious about opinions from this site...

I have a Sennheiser 421 that I have used with great results on Snare (alone and mixed together with a 57 )

Next weekend I am doing some electric guitar... Any suggestions for getting good results? (twin reverb type amp.)

SP B1 applications (or "How do you use your B1 - be

I posted this on another site, but thought I might get some different feedback/ideas here

So I have two SP B1's. I bought for a specific application and now do not ~really~ need them anymore because I have a C3 (which I am in love with... really.)

What are some other unique applications for my two B1's?

Masterlink or Computer Cd burning?q

Is there any sonic difference in sound quality if you burn your final mix into your computer with a program like DP or logic compared to recording your final mix into the Alesis Masterlink. I own a Apple dual gig G4. I know a lot of people record right intot eh computer or bounce in Pro Tools and burn CD's. I dont care about the storage factor or the mastering effects in the masterlink.

The ULTIMATE motherboard for Athlon XP ?

Hi.. I'm looking to buy some really good motherboard for Athlon XP, so I wanted your opinion. Do you suggest getting a dual system ? Which chipset ? VIA vs NFORCE vs something else ? I need the motherboard for my main DAW... It would be nice to have the firewire interface (but I guess all the newer motherboards do...). Which models should I avoid ?

Opus, Load new drivers for NU dongles?

Used your tweeks on my system. Should I load the new dual dongle drivers for NU 2 before I install or after?
Another note in the manual "ACPI causes bad peformance" in your tweeks doen't it say to install XP Pro in APCI mode?
I'm getting ready to load NU 2 probably today with 1.61 still on the same OS.