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LAP Top AudioCard Sugestions

Hi all...
I have a HP Pavilion P4 1.2GHz with 512 RAM..
i'm planning to use this live with my band and i need a Good Audio Card, with Good ASIO Drivers to use with Cubase/Nuendo Live with low latencies, i don't need many outs/ins.. at least 3. 2 tracks for a Stereo mix and the other track is a click track..
What's a sugestion for a LapTop ?


done this? unexpected kernel mode trap

Have you guys covered the above topic already, and if so, where can I find the posts? If not, has anyone else been experiencing this error message with Windows 2000 professional. I'm running a Celeron 1 mz not overclocked. Every time I get this error message, the machine reboots itself. I can walk away from it, do other stuff and hear it rebooting about every 20 minutes or so.

Can NTFS save me?

I have a 100GB WD Caviar on our server that suddenly stopped working. That is, it doesn't show up at all in the system. Previous to that there were some alerts on write failures to this disk over the network.

How can I get access to the disk so that I can run some disk-tool and recover the data?

It is mounted in a system that runs Win2000 advanced server.
