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Gary Brenner XP DAW optimization article - problems!

A customer requested I setup their DAW system based on the above article. However when I do, the PCI based cards do not work. They show up and the drivers are loaded by XP but they have an exclamation mark and the message "This device cannot start" - Code 10. Switching the cards around makes no difference.

Nearfield monitors and EQ question

Hi all,
Advice please,
When I am listening to my mix thru my Yamaha MSP5s and I have a good sounding mix, I find that when I switch to any HI FI equipment thru their speakers it always sound to bassy or clonky espesialy in and around the 125hz, I have to cut the 125hz quite a bit to make it sound reasonable.

Opus' Xp tweaks

Hey Opus on the virtual memory setting recommendation, do you do the same for both your system and audio drive? And, why that setting? Does that not limit the size of your swap file vs either a larger setting or windows managed? (BTW, regarding your hometown, I knew it was one of those North Shore seaside towns. They're all the same to us South Shore folks!) Thanks again!


NTFS formatting help

So my audio drive is currently FAT32 and separate from my system drive, which is also FAT32. Because Logic does not like FAT32, I have been trying un-successfully to format to NTFS. I was also unsuccessful converting to NTFS, but I really want to format vs convert. I've had no luck working from XP or a command window. The following is the message I get:

Mastering for radio vs for audiophiles

I do transfers from vinyl to CD. The ones that I've done for regular people, they just love. However, when I've done it for someone who tells me they are an audiophile, I either don't get a second call or they tell me the sound that they get with their ultraexpensive turntables (think LINN) sounds more alive and real.