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Lindows, a Linux-based operating system that's gaining popularity. Walmart is selling a system on the internet, the Microtel SYSMARK401 for $199. However, they're calling the OS "Lycoris" instead of Lindows due to recent legal probs with the name. Hmmm ... but they haven't thought about getting in trouble with Lycos for "Lycoris"? Jeez...

PSU - Opus

Hi Opus.
I'll probably be bugging you for some time til' I finally build my DAW, hope that's ok. :roll:
I'm thinking of a chieftec fulltower case that includes a 360w PSU.

Is 360w enough?
I won't be plugging more than a delta1010 an maybe in time a UAD1 in to it.

Thanks/ Eskimo :w:

Could someone explain the reason for the dangerous 2 bus


I've been watching the messages on the other boards regarding the dangerous 2-bus. Could someone explain why analog summing would be quantifiably better than digital? What is wrong with digital summing algorithms, that hasn't been fixed?

I did a search on the web for dangerous's web site, and found this:

portable recording gear advice?

In Fall of 2003, I will be studying theory and composition at a fairly large university. This school's performance majors are required to submit a recorded recital at the end of each semester; naturally, many recordists are needed. I have been producing local amateur singers and rappers for about a year on my DAW but have little experience with location recording.


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