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Bass DI (preamp) suggestions.

I am looking for something to record bass directly into my daw and also use live, preferrabley tube. I don't need a lot of bells and whistles, mostly just a preamp and compression type piece. I've already tried the Pod Pro for bass and didn't like it. I want something simple but of high quality. My budget is $1000. I've been considering several options which include:

800MHz Titanium Powerbook: I want In!

Hi folks, maybe somebody can help me out here.

If I was to run a Manley SLAM!, with it's optional
24bit 96kHz A/D card...and I was running Cubase VST 5.0 on the Powerbook (with it's 3.2 ratio screen yum!), what's the best way of getting my sound to the Mac? The SLAM doesn't use Firewire.It uses XLR's for AES/EBU I/O's.

Any clarity much appreciated.