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SSL 4048E console or Protool HD

This question is also on the Pro Tools DUC.
I have an option on an SSL 4048E with G computer. The seller is willing to commission the console as part of the deal.
For the same money I can put together a HD3 system, Control 24 and surround monitoring.
I already have a HD 1 system and O2r.
Which would bring in more clients, the SSL or the Pro Tools setup?

Question on Monitor positions?

Greetings All.

In a couple of months I'll be moving premises and I'm currently designing my new studio setup.

At the moment I have a pair of Genelec 1037B's and the listening position set up as an equalateral triangle. I use a DAW and currently the computer monitor is positioned in a way which doesn't obscure the Genelecs.

The question is..

Another Cable question.

I was looking for some good XLR cables. I talked to my friend who works at a studio, and he says that I should buy whatever I need for MY studio, and then spend all the left over money on cables, because it's important to have nice cables. I was just wondering what all you guys like to use. I'm pretty open as far as price range goes.