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If you’ve clicked MODERATOR STEDEL’S INNER SANCTUM button, then you’re probably in a state of shock. Either you did this accidently and have ended up here by mistake, and are now thinking - "Where the f**k am I?" (I know there are nicer ways to say this, but most people seem to know what you mean by this up here) – or how do I get out of here… fast.

What's wrong with my ANUS

I just put my Anus2000 toghether. All I have in there now, is the AGP card, One Harddrive, and one CD rom drive. I di everything I thought I was supposed to, checked my jumpers, system settings yadda, yadda, yadda. When I turn it on,k I get the system ok beep, but then says NTLDR is missing and prompts me to restart, anyone know what NTLDR is, or might be?

Recommended online vendors for audio gear?

Since we all seem to agree that newegg and mwave are the desireable places to buy computer parts online, what about places to buy audio and music gear online?

Any favorite places (musiciansfriend, sweetwater, samash, etc) that are as recommendable for buying music and studio hardware online as newegg and mwave are for buying computer hardware online?