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Anyone using a Joemeek VCQ-1cs w/VC1QD 24bit card?

I have been searching for a "nicer" Mic Pre and compressor to use as a front end to the Digi 001. I would like to have a discrete solid state mic preamp with very little coloration to be used on a variety of source material. I have been very impressed by the FMR Audio RNC compressor and have heard a Mic Pre is in the works but I have no idea when that might be available.

Cheapest place for empirical labs?

I'm going to be buying 2 distressors and a FATSO in the next week or two. The dealer I normally buy stuff from doesnt carry empirical labs but told me he could sell me a pair of trakkers for $3400. I've never heard the trakkers, so that worries me a little (even though I've heard they're amazing). Either way, anyone know of any place selling this stuff for cheap...

Sample rates and latency in HD

I've gleaned from Greg and Nika that if the Digi interfaces are really top notch the sample rates for getting audio into PT should not make any difference.

As running sessions at 96kHz is best
for the plugin quality, it makes sense to record at 96kHz then, even though the audio sampled should sound the same at 48kHz - it saves upsampling.

thanks people

well gotta say thanks to all the people talking about their setups. i didnt know a god damn thing about daw's before i jumped in here and one month later i'm putting a machine up on my own.

works great so far, now all i have to do is spend the rest of my life learning about every nook and cranny of these monster programs and hardware, in other words i'll die knowing a fraction.