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Dealing with acoustic guitar string buzz

Recording an acoustic gtr (Takamine) w/capo that has a healthy string buzz and pick noise. The player wants stereo image and an intimate, close-mic sound. I'm having trouble finding a spot that's not accentuating pick noise or string buzz. I tried every mic set up I could think of. I'm using a pair of MK102 but I tried SR77's and a Brauner Valvet/Dragonfly combo as well with no luck.

Remuneration for video games music composing

As a composer for a major video games company, i'd like to exchange views and experiences with other musicians who have been exposed to the flat fee system vs royalties/rights system.
What is your experience, what's the rule, how do you manage that, with which results : is the "no rights with the highest fee" the most common final deal?
Thanx for sharing your experiences.

Optimizing G4 for 001

I'm running 001 on a G4-400 AGP, 320Mb ram, ATI Rage 128, 2 Maxtor harddrives, Yamaha SCSI CD-RW 24x4x8, Adaptec 2906. I've been researching ways to beef it up.
I've looked at replacing the CPU with a bigger one, but none of the upgrades are compatible with my G4. Go figure ... if I had a G3 I'd be able to upgrade to G4-500, or even G4 DUAL 500s!

Preamp and Compressor shootout?

I'm trying to do my own preamp and compressor shoot out and I'd like to split the signal after the mic and power supply (tube mic with own power) into two or three different preamps. Then do the same after a single preamp with two or three different compressors. This way I am using the same takes and what not to judge the comparison. Will I run into phasing problems or will this work?

Royer active vs passive, whats the difference?

I'm thinking about buying a Royer and a nice quiet pre to match but can't decide between the active phantom powered model or the passive model. Is there any differnce in sound between the two? I'd like to be able to use the Royer with more than just the best mic preamp for artistic purposes.

AMEK 9098EQ for $1000. Is it right for me?

So I have never had the chance to work with these but I am in fairly desparate need of 2 good pres and EQ would be a huge plus as the EQ on my Sountracs board is quite lacking. So I have the chance to purchase 1 or more of these for $1000 which sounds like a great deal to me. I am doing all my tracking to PC DAW and mix on my board.