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Monitoring with built in iMac speakers?

We can land a man on the Moon but is it possible to monitor my playback through the speakers on my iMac? I'm using a MOTU 828 with AudioDesk on an iMac 600. Guaranteed good karma will come your way if you help me out here.
Ideally I know I should get a pair of active monitors- just not prepared to lay down that much cash just yet.

Building a new AMD system, thoughts?

My old K6III 450/Mhz has given up its ghost. So I'm rebuilding with a DAW in mind. This is just for home recording projects at the moment. So the machine will run other stuff too (games, Office...) I'm looking at the new AMD chipset KT266A with an AthlonXP 1500 or 1800 processor. Guitar Center's techie recommended the Delta 44. I don't NEED 4 channels of audio, but it wouldn't hurt?

check out the Newbie

Hi there, new here, just want to see if some of you fine folks would give me some critique and /or tips
of the sonic qualities of some of my recent recordings using the DM-24 into a MOTU 2408 to cakewalks Sonar XL
new to all this DAW stuff playing for years but this is my first attempt at recording and mixing my own stuff.
thanks a bunch

Lexicon MPX-500 vs TC Electronic M-One (XL)...which one


I am looking to get a rack reverb/effects unit to go with my DIGI001. I would like a 24 bit processor
with SPDIF connection. I am currently looking at the MPX-500 and the M-ONE.

Does anyone have any opinions about these units and what recommendations you would have?

Thanks in advance,

Any info on an original (serial #3, 1988) API 3124M ?

So I can pick this up for $1800 from a reputable dealer in NYC. I don't know the history too well but the guy said they were made originally in a very limited quantity, then discontinued until recently at which time different opamps were used. He also said he can hardly hear a difference.

A mobile 001 setup

Hello all,

I am trying to setup a 001 for mobile recording. I wonder if anyone here could recommend any models for laptop/firewire drive/lunchbox computer that has been proven to work with the 001. Is a firewire drive a necessity or a luxury?
I am planning to record primarily stereo live tracks but if possible also live multitrack recording using another hardware interface.