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Are there ANY decent sampled pianos for rock?

I've been doing sampling for a looong time now and I've been hunting and hunting for a good sampled rock piano and all of my searches thus far have ended up empty-handed. Even the Double Platinum Rock Piano by Ilio doesn't even come close. Everything just seems too "pristine and perfect", as if they mic'ed the pianos for a PERFECT piano sound instead of preparing it for a mix.

Critiques On Our Projects - Where does the music go?

Well, as scary as it is, I think for me to move forward in my own projects, it is about time to provide something for public consideration. Problem is, while I do have a little freebie website (click above to see), it only allows file sizes of 1 MB or less, so I've been resorting to very low quality .WMA's (no mp3's allowed either) to get the music heard by some of my online friends.

Replacing Internal Battery in Power Tower Pro

Each time I shut down my Power Computing Power Tower Pro 225 (which has a Newer Tech 400 MHz G3 card installed), the date resets to 1956. I assume that this means that the internal battery has failed. Does any one know if this battery is easily removed, socketed rather than soldered in, and if a replacement can be obtained?