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Converters again...

sorry, -I know its kind of an old hat already but I`m still not Shure about these RME converters

are they really cool? (means better or equal to 888)

I`ve got a Rosetta (trough ADAT Bridge PT and Clock of Rosetta) I use on vocals and a lot of other stuff but now a need something for drums (more channels) and I used some 888 (not mine) till now - they are not great but o.k

Mic technique for recording electric guitars

Hi I'm new in this forum and I wanted to know if you can seek advice a good mic technique for electric guitars so much clean as distorted.
I should record a guitarist (I am used Steve Vai) and I would like you to advise me that mics to use for the recording (1 or 2 mics) and that mics position should use.
Also some mix tricks for the guitars

Anyone dispensing w/ stereo for tracking?

I'm thinking my life would be much easier (and cheaper) if I didn't bother with recording stereo pairs of anything, even overheads. I'm working with 1/2" 8 track, so preserving tracks before I have to bounce is of interest to me, but I could see for rock and pop stereo Micing could be unnecessary.