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Apple Cinema Display, Pro and Con

Major studio upgrade in the next month or so...

New G4, etc.

Should we swing for the fence and get the Apple Cinema Display?

"Artistic" studio partner has the money, wants the monitor...

But "Engineer Bill" is feeling practical and doubtful. Do we really need it that bad?

Pros? Cons?

"Give it to me straight, Doctor.
I can take it."

Best software and interface to use with aw4416 and MAC

i've decided to purchase a MAC G4 to edit my tracks from the 4416. I
was wondering what was the best software to use (ie digital
performer, Cubase vst, logic) and also the best interface between the
MOTU 2408 and the delta 1010. Is there something else out there
better to use? I've ruled out digi 001 only because i'm limited to