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I must be doing something wrong

I hear(read) all this great stuff about 24+ track counts and many plugins and stuff, and I say to myself, that's what I want.
But I haven't been able to get it.
I have loaded the trial demo of Sonar onto my computer (300mhz AMD, 256k ram) and I can only play back eight tracks at a time. and trying to record a ninth track is an impossibility.

Transport gear/cam replacement

I have a DA-88 with transport locked up S err 11.

Took out the transport for a look, and its obvious a couple of the plastic (gears/cams) are bad (teeth worn etc).

Question. .can Tascam repair centers replace just the cams or do they have to replace the entire transport at $1400 less rebate?

Will you recommend a repair center in Mid-West?
