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Midi to Scarlett 2i2

Hi, can anyone tell me if its possible to connect my midi piano through the scarlett 2i2 using a converter 5 pin to 3 pin cable? Would it read the right kind of signal?
I need to record piano onto a track but have so much latency through the midi usb connection into the computer, that the piano part is constantly playing almost half a second behind the beat. I am using cubase.

The Different Versions of the AKG C414 Models

OK, so...
I have an AKG C 414B-XLS. A recent vintage, it has all the fancy electronic switching that they've employed
in their newer versions of that model. Silver-colored mesh, I like this mic for mois better than the U87 in the cabinet.
What is the difference between this one and the C 414B-ULS?
And what can you tell me about the C 414B TL II ?
I have a