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Care for a Power Amp / Installing / Mounting it

Hello, I want to know what I can do to install a power amp or modify it so that it's portable for transport. I'd also like to know how to handle a power amp with care.

The band that i play with don't have much space so we are constantly moving between 3 houses. I recently acquired a power amplifier (Yamaha PD2500) and two "Acoustic Linear Monitors 12" passive speakers.

just getting started

I am looking for some tips to setting up my small studio in my basement. This is what I have, Crate Pro Audio 82t PA, and a Tascam DP-03 portastudio. My question is: Do I, or should I, run the crate in front of the Tascam. if so, what is the best way to do it.? Or do i just plug into the Tascam and skip the PA. Thank you for your time.:cool:

Help me with an experiment (API 525 content)

I am going to undertake an experiment, and I need the help of knowledgeable people. In return, I will share my results freely in another thread for all to use. So if you contribute, you stand to gain something. Perhaps a perfect recreation of the API525, perhaps an imperfect one, but most assuredly, a new idea on how to achieve the sounds of your dreams.