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Unusual Favorite Keyboards


The other night we were working on a Merengue tune. My partner and I were hoping to have a nice little trombone section in certain parts. The problem was we couldn't find a time to get together with the trombone player. An idea struck me and I went into the back of my closet. There behind the cowboy boots was my Yamaha CE20.

Ang, Son of.., Curve and others. Jpop-a-lot

Following an initial crit from Ang and Son of Smawg I have remixed 'Mukai' with their suggestions in mind, in the limited time (and experience) I have. I have also uploaded the second song 'Yo!' to the NEW website.

Please give them a listen and let me know what you think. They are both c. 3Mb in file size and are both encoded at 128Kbps in stereo.

okay! set me straight on this studio hookup! please!

I have a Mackie 1604vlzpro, 2 Maudio delta 1010's,
2 RNC'S, 2 Behringer composers, Mindprint Envoice pre,

A) should I use the inserts to feed my compressors, then feed those to my 1010's(I use the comps to limit
going to DAW) OR---
B)should I use direct outs to DAW and use inserts as intended