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Marshall MXL-V67G vs Studio Projects C1

Bottom line; the'yre pretty damn close to each other in sound. The Studio Projects C1 is a little hotter (about 2 dB more output), and a little quieter (again, by about 2 dB). Overall, the frequency response is very similar, with maybe a -1dB shelf around 800 to 1,000 Hz on the Studio Projects C1. The Marshall MXL-V67G sounds slightly fuller, but again by a very small amount.

Puter question for Joel

I have been warned that, in general, Athlons are not as stable or compatible for audio apps as Pentiums.
Is this the case for running the R.ed? Are there any problems regarding compatibility with certain specific components? The basics of the puter I'm considering...
1.5Gb AMD Athlon T-Bird
Iwill KA266(R?) mobo
IBM Deskstar 60GXP 40Gb Harddrives

Hot rodding a beige G3 with a sonet G4 500 chip?

The Sonet takes over from the now discontinued Newetch chip. Anyone done this, I have put my money down for it.

My Mix + Expansion chassis / ProControl set up is working just fine... I dont want to disrupt it with - USB - stealth ports and new scsi cards... And I want to rock & roll with PT 5.1 and not suffer the tapping hand on Beat Detective and other stuff...