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MOTU Mac mail list

How do you get on this MOTU mac mailing forum I think if they were aware of this forum we would get a lot more traffic on this board there are a ton of DP users out there that can be a big help.I think it's topica something or another if someone would post on there about dawworld I think there would be a great interest in this board.Just a thought!

Master MIDI controller: which one to buy?

I am in the market for a MIDI keyboard controller. I don't need any sounds, but if they are included, that's fine. I would like at least 61 keys in a semi weighted configuration. Dedicated MIDI In, Out and Thru is a must. Dedicated octave switch would be nice, but not a must. No out/thru switches please. What do you use? Do you like it?

saving synth patches/parameters for songs...

How would you recommend saving synth settings for synths with no actual "song" mode? I am currently using a Roland MC-505, a Korg Triton Rack, an Akai MPC2000xl, and an Alesis Quadrasynth. On the 505, I can basically save every parameter and patch as a pattern, even though I'm using the MPC as my sequencer.

What Would Be The Perfect DAW?

FishKid askes:
"Since we're in DAWworld I'll throw out a topic: I think it might be interesting to hear what Roland users think would be the perfect DAW.
I mean here we have a new DAW coming out almost every week and still, at least from what I read, none of them is "just right", that perfect blend of features and stability. They're all missing one or more key feature sets."

PC vs Mac vs Tascam

I have a 1.3 Gig AMD PC and Cuebase.It is awoefully inadequate system. I sold my analog multitrack and need to be able to record 13 simultaneous tracks of 24 bits at once. I don't want the expenxe of Pro Tools. Would Windows 2,000 a Mac or the Tascam MX 2424 be the best way to achieve what i need? Does Cuebase work any better (crashes, overdub problems)on a Mac?
