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DP on dual 533

I am having major problems getting this machine stable,dual 533.I have had DP on 604e,g3's,and two other g4's over the years.What I am wondering is a dual monitor card (promax agp)ok to use with this machine,I have trashed preffs two dozen times,moved 324 card from slot to slot,and just about every other trouble shoot option I know of over and over.This machine will just lock up with either a b

I have 2000 $ and i need HELP!

Hi everyone!
I want to start recording and i don't know in which direction i must go.
I mean...i want to buy the right recording equipment but i don't know which platform choose.
I'm going to record mainly rock, punk and metal bands.
What is best?Portastudios like VS-880,etc..?
an ADAT?a computer with a lot of software?
What more options i have?