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Time 4 Change?

Hey All
I'm getting around to thinking about changing my oh so stable and much loved beige G3 for a new all singing all dancing 733G4. I have heard a lot of problems are associated with this machine particularly with regard to usb and midi timing. Have you any words or problems you have encountered that you can share before I go ahead?

Simon :cool:

digi001 and MOTU DAW?

I am not quite ready to go for my mix+ setup, but at the same time still want to experiment.

I am just about to purchase a new 466

question is - Would I be able to run both a Digi-001 and MOTU interfaces on the same G4, using the 001 with PT LE, and the MOTU stuff with DP - just switch which interfaces I would want

or would there be conflicts?

phase reverse points on the patchbay

I've got a Soundcraft Ghost console which doesn't have a phase reverse on the tape returns or line inputs. My tape returns are normalled to the board so I decided to wire up some phase reverse points on the bay to use with the insert points. I can't seem to get it to work.
Is it because my insert points are unbalanced?

Connecting Sequencer with HDR 24/96

I had posted an earlier email regarding connectivity from my Roland XP-60 Sequencer to HDR 24/96. I finally got it connected and was successful in laying down my tracks.

The only problem that I had discovered, that once I did my initial tracks such as Drums, Bass and Piano it recorded fine because it was the initial tracks.

MOTU midi express XT and Paris

Hello all,

I am trying to setup a MOTU midi express XT in order to have Paris send MTC to control a Korg Triton sequencer. I realize this should probably be very simple, but...

I have followed the Paris instructions in the manual, but am not sure what settings I should use for the Motu, as I can't seem to get it to work. Any help with this would be much appreciated.