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Computer Optimization

First of all I want to say Hi as your Computing moderator and welcome you all to this wonderful place to share and discuss the world of DAW recording.
I would like to start this off by having people post their optimixation techniques for their systems...Obviously there are little more tips for PC than Mac due to the nature of the OS differences and so forth..

Computer Optimization

First of all I want to say Hi as your Computing moderator and welcome you all to this wonderful place to share and discuss the world of DAW recording.
I would like to start this off by having people post their optimixation techniques for their systems...Obviously there are little more tips for PC than Mac due to the nature of the OS differences and so forth..


I am so glad that these companies are pushing the envelope. The 3.0 functions look incredible, especially with the compatibaility with Pro Tools. The UA digital card is shipping this month, it should be an incredibly powerful tool to mix with 3.0! Between the two cards we should have power that exceeds the power of Pro Tools for less than half :D :D

CD-RW-2000 and the 700 digital output

Trying to get a very clear, straight answer.

I tried Tascam Tech go...

If I feed the CD-RW-2000 (or 700) an analog source...while using the Monitor function that allows me to use it like a stand-alone 24 bit A/D converter...(I'm NOT burning a CD, I'm not even puting one in the machine)...what is at the digital output...24 bit or 16 bit?


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