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home studio acoustics

It seems that everyone here has to deal with this eventually -- what are your tricks to tame small rectangular room problems?

I find smatterings of details for room treatments involving Owens Corning 703, but very few details on actual implementations.

What are people doing for a low cost solution? Are you hiring consultants to measure your rooms?

Small Steps - A Beginner's Guide To Pro Recording.

Hopefully, this will be a place where you can put some professional recording techniques into your own studio setup, whether it's in your bedroom, the basement, or your garage. It's gonna be about getting good sound for cheap, tricks you can use to improve your sound, and how to get more out of the equipment you already have.

Pro Tools-Mackie OR ADATs-Trident 80B

I have two choices to upgrade(its a slow process)...A better console (Trident 80B) or full blown Pro Tools mix plus with G4, etc... Which combination would draw more business (or less)? A Mackie with Pro Tools or a Trident 80B with ADAT HD24? We already have thorough selection highend outboard and mics and A/D conversion, so the front end is taken care of.

analog recording

I am doing a paper on why analog sounds better than digital for certain types of music such as rock, hip hop ,funk and blues. What are some major factors that make analog sound better than digital? Why would a band want to go through the extra trouble to record to analog and then master the recording digitally? Why does digital make music sound grainy?