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hard disk file rendering and importing

I ran into some hassle trying to import multiple files to be pasted into a different project. I imported them, but then how do I paste them?is there a paste in time?.It all makes sense and should be easy, but has anyone actually done it?
also sometimes when i render tracks, nothing seems to happen.. why?
Ferris TN

switching from Audiodesk to DP

Hi guys,
I have a project studio, mostly rock oriented.
I work with a 2408mkII a G4/400 and Audiodesk.
I use this setup exactly liek a multitrack recorder, in fact I mix everyhting thru an analog desk.
I'm wondering if it may be of any help to switch to DP instead of AD. What DP is can offer more to me?
please help if you can.


Recording basic tracks sans-drummer

I need to record some songs where the drummer may not be around to do the initial tracks. I was thinking that I would bring in the acoustic guitarist (songwriter) and record that with a click track minus the vocal, then add the drums, bass, vocals, etc. at a later date. I was wondering if I will lose some of the feel of the song this way and if this is not recommended.


What is the quickest way to check phase on a couple of mics (eg. drumset) on a mixer without a phase button? I have made a short mic cable with reverse polarity to put in series one cable at a time. Is there anything that you could quickly plug into the insert on each channel for checking phase? I'm using a Mackie 24*8.
