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Nurturing the sounds to sample.

Welcome Nate, I am a heavy user of midi, and I would like to know how much processing is applied to the samples? I use various sound modules, and realize that they must have certain things done to them, in creation, to make them sound so good. Also, are the people doing the sampling as critical of mic selection and placement as pro-studios?

Thanks, Rick

Do I even need outboard compressors?

now, let me explain. i have a small little get-up that my friends and i make our music with- all tracking goes through my mics through either an ART prochannel or a p.o.s. Alesis studio 32 into a MOTU 1296 (which sounds infinitely better than my original 2408, i have found). We usually track only one or two tracks at a time, save drums (2-8) .