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Does a recording studio require a Mixer ?

I wanted to know if the Focusrite 18I20 will be sufficient for Recording.

Main goal Is to setup a Semi Professional Studio.

Would there be a Way to work around not getting a Mixer?

It would also be how my Microphones I need.
The Maximum I would need is Recording a Drum Kit.

Thanks again!
Regards Norman!

Help me to Find out Why This 1 recording is Approved And Others are Rejected

In Short: I submitted 6+ sample recordings (each 1 min long - by using 3 different mics - used a different location for each recording - recorded after 1 AM onwards) to my Publisher and he approved 1 recording and rejected other 6 recordings. I need your little help to find out:

Recording Switchwords one after another

Hi Guys,

How are you doing?

I am new to recording and am trying to figure out how this guy has managed to record 25000 switchwords (each switchword is 2-4 seconds long) in a track of 30 minutes duration.

Here is what he says
" How much time it takes to listen to a MagicSwitch CD?
It takes up about 30 minutes.

Monitor selector after amplifier

So I have a pair of NS10's connected to my Quad 405. Now I am thinking of adding a pair of original Aurotones, the passive ones. Instead of buying another Quad amp and putting them both after the Big Knob, I was wondering if anyone ever tried to put a monitor switch after the amplifier? With the correct impendance of course.