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Undo a M/S matrix recording

Recently I bought a new device, the H4n and I turned on the M/S Matrix feature. I did not know it applied to the XLR inputs so I M/S Matrixed a source that was already perfect stereo. I know there is a way through inversion and all sorts of other stuff to create an M/S mix after the fact. Is there any wya to undo an M/S mix to get the original stuff back?

Roland Juno-type keyboard song player...

Juno keyboards with the USB flash-drive function on top panel that can play back WAV, MP3, AIFF, etc.

Downloaded manuals for all applicable models, searched through instructions, analyzed MIDI Implementation charts, and still have no conclusive answer.

Emailed Roland, got zilch. Following is my email, and their non-answer:

RME Fireface 800 Troubles

Well, for the second time in less than a year, my FF800 took a dump on me.
What's wrong? The red "Host" light never extinguishes, and the computer cannot recognize the unit. Effectively rendering it DEAD.

The first time it happened, the retailer replaced my B-stock unit w/ a new one, minus the upcharge. That was nice, minus the 2 week turnaround.

Playback Error message that won't go away.

I am running pro-tools LE 6.4 with a Digi001 interface. My system as been running fine for more than two years and all of a sudden I keep getting an error message "Audio processing is conflicting with other CPU task. If this occurs often reducing the "HW Buffer Size" in the Play Back Engine Dialog may help prevent the problem -9129"