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Recording software question

Im considering getting into some home studio stuff and would like to find a great program to use...the tricky part...I need to be able to use it without internet connection and also would need one with great drum loops. I'm a guitarist and singer/songwriter, so all I need is a drum solution to start tracking songs.
Appreciate your help!

external cross-overs by Derek Hughes (Graham Audio) for the Rogers 5/8 and your experiences with it

Hello !

I have just bought a pair of external cross overs, developed by Derek Hughes and marketed by Graham audio especially for the Rogers 5/8 to enable the user to use any power amp and not be limited by the Quad 405 and its rather badly designed cross-over.

Has anyone had some positive experiences with this ?

Great lost !

Hi Gang,
I learned this morning via facebook that a great friend died a few days ago. Richard Turcotte.
It's a big chock since I talked to him a few weeks ago and he seemed fine.
Going at 60 is so early. Evendo I'm 48 and still have both my parents alive, it just makes me think about my own departure and how we never know how long the distance is to get there...

Audio Latency on Recording with Android (Stagelight, iRig, Samsung)

I just cant record my guitar properly with the stagelight app on my android devices with the iRig 2. Whatever i do, the guitar signal always has latency. Because of that, i cant really record with the metronome or with monitoring.
If iam Using Apps like Ampli Tbe, there are no latency problems, its mostly just with Stagelight.


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