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Computer Too Slow For Windows 7?

First of all, I don't care for windows 7 (32-bit) and have been forced into using it.
I do audio editing, radio show production, etc... with Adobe Audition (have been using xp and audition 1.5 for years without issue. I have a p4 3.0gh, 2gb ram, M-Audio Delta66 with the OmniIO module. When upgrading to windows 7, I also upgraded to Audition 3.

Broken AKG C12 audio examples

Hello Friends, I need a favor, never before have had experience with the AKG C12 and a few months ago my partner decided to buy one: the point is that since his arrival, guiding me from what I have heard about this mic is bright and crystal supposedly (back and I repeat, I am not aware, I'm told) but this sounds kinda say fat, yesterday a friend who has had experience recording with this mic yo

Recording Pro-Tools Mbox Outputs back Directly into the Inputs for a 2 Track. [Help!]

Hello All.

I have a Hardware Compressor, and a Finished Pro Tools Mix.

Now I want to Run the Finished Mix, Out From the MBox, Into a HW Compressor, then Back Into The Mbox[Inputs] (2 Track it).

But when I do it, I get a loud horrible signal and makes it pretty much impossible.

I have heard that this can be done, but I cannot achieve it.

The right way to go about contacting studios/venues for work?

I've recently just finished my college course and have decided to differ for a year until I attend university. In this gap year I aI'm to gain as much experience (professional & voluntary) as I possibly can. But having never approached commercial studios yet I'm not quite sure of the things to say and not to say...