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delay question

I'm pritty new to the art of mixing. yesteday I was watching DAvid Gibson's DVD "The ART Of Mixing" - and we was talking about delay and panning.

what he sayed in the video, he had panned the sound to the left of the speaker, put delay on the sound and panned the delay to the right.

how can I do this?

I'm working on a Roland MV8800 if this can help.

What the heck is with Studio Booking

I am a rookie studio owner. I have been an engineer for 8 years and am getting better but am having a lot of trouble with clients cancelling sessions or not showing up or moving sessions back to later dates at the last minute which pisses me off. I dont require a deposit and am very inexpensive as an engineer.

Merging software MIDI tracks on Mac

Hi, clueless noob here.

Basically, I am doing some sketches involving creating grooves using Band In a Box 12, exporting those tracks as MIDI, then importing them into Garage band. From there, I add some real instrument tracks. Overall, it seems to be working fairly well. I like the BIAB tracks much better than the Apple loops.

Need Help + Advice on upgrading a laptop used for recording.

Hey there, i have a 3 month old Toshiba laptop that i use for live recording, I use an 18 channel USB interface and my computer struggles when using it and i've set aside about £70-140 to upgrade it a little, I'm basicilly looking for the most apropriate processor for the money, and a RAM upgrade if needed.. just wondered what anybody would recommend for me to do.