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Computers and Configuration PC

Here is a noobie ?. I have a Gateway Core 2 Duo Laptop, and I've been reading all of the stuff about needing 2 computers/harddrives, and was hoping someone could give me some pointers about getting this HP Pavilion 734 desktop, that I pulled out of the garage hooked up correctly, and were to put what as far as software, DAW, etc, and what to use each unit for. I don't have much so far.

Beating Pro Tools with a mixer

This is my first post. Hope you guys will be patient with me. My question is, i have invested in pro tools m powered, and now I'm wondering about what interface to buy. I think that I'd like the option of at least being able to try recording drums at home, if possible, but I'm a student, so spending lots of € on an interface is unfortunately not what i want to have to do.

This is the sound I've been able to get with 10K

I never realized how much money I've spent until now, but this is becoming a lifestyle for me so it is worth every penny.

Yesterday, I did my first video-composition for an original song, singing, playing guitar/bass and v-drums. All connected to my RME Fireface 800 with Cubase. So here's the sound I've been able to get so far: