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Is it a MUST to use a compressor for vocal recording?


My recent signal path for vocal recording is:

RODE NT-1A --> Grace Design m101 --> MOTU 828mkII --> PC Sonar

So you can see,
without any compressor.
Actually, some clipping occurs during tracking, but not always.
I will decrease the gain in m101 to prevent clipping
(it will squeeze the dynamic range, right?)

Help please! Vocal volumes.


Ive been recoring for about a year now, I feel I'm pretty good at it but there is one big issue i can not figure out. When i record vocals i find it hard to adjust volumes to keep them equal though out the whole song, is there a way to limit the vocals to keep the volume from varying? I can adjust them manually after ward, but its never perfect.

mixing doubled vocals


Hello, I am recording a song that's has the attitude of Foo Fighters' songs, sort of. The singer has a strong voice but it's 100% clean. There is no growl in his performance. We want to double or triple the main melody to make his vocals sound thicker. Is there any effect that can be added to the vocals to enhance the rock attitude? How should I pan these tracks?

thank you guys!

Closet vocal booth, is it a bad idea?


Hello everyone. I have a room with my setup. The room has carpet floor (which kills the sound) but I'm renting so I can't remove it. I get some noise from the street and I thought that maybe I could make a vocal booth in the closet. It is an average closet: about 9 feet long, 4 deep, and 9 feet high. I have auralex absorbent foams. Is it a good or bad idea? Would the sound be killed this way?