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Leaving the world of analog 4-tracks:

Hello all! I am new here, I've been reading up on as many posts as I can but I have to be honest... A lot of this stuff is WAY over my head. I have had good luck in the past using just two 4-track recorders to bounce tracks off one another but I think that it is time I got into digital: I'd like to be able to make some quality mixes for my own music. I do have an Alesis Blackface ADAT.

tranfers from 1" 24 track 15ips with dolby s, any i

I have a client with material on a 1" tape. We have been told that they think it is 24 track 15ips with dolby s, but maybe, just maybe it is 16 track with dbx reduction. Anybody out there have any idea where I might get this done. checked with transfermat at toy specialist, and they are not optomistic.



Digidesign M Box - 24 tracks with USB connection to a la

So I just got one, still half in it's MMMMbox!

Looks cool, I bought it to use with the studios iBook 600.

We were using PT For Free - the 8 track free version of PT (downloadable off the Digidesign site) to edit vocals but it was a bore making a mono mix to save space and not having a full (24) track count.