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 Example on micing an acoustic guitar using an SDC pointed at the 12th fret

Micing an acoustic guitar

Recording acoustic guitar

I own the Audio-Technica AT4033 & AT3035 condenser mics coupled w/ Aphex 107 mic preamp. I'm trying to capture some good tones when tracking an acoustic guitar. I've experimented and found that if I place the mic between where the body and neck meet, I get some pretty good tones versus getting either a boomy or boxed tone.

SP B1 applications (or "How do you use your B1 - be

I posted this on another site, but thought I might get some different feedback/ideas here

So I have two SP B1's. I bought for a specific application and now do not ~really~ need them anymore because I have a C3 (which I am in love with... really.)

What are some other unique applications for my two B1's?

Solo Classical Guitar

Hi everybody.

I have been recording loads of people at home and learning a lot through this wonderfull site,thanks to you guys...

I noticed that recording a finger-style nylon string guitar performance into an arrangement (comping,soloing) it`s not all that hard (since the guitar player can play of course...),but when it`s a guitar only thing the madness begins...