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Best way to record Acoustic Guitar and Vocals

I know a similar post was made earlier in one of these forums, but I am curious to see what you all think is the best combination of mics and pres for a folky/early dylan (63-65) kind of vibe for recordings. The instruments being used are Harmonica, Acoustic Guitar and Voice. It would be preferred for all 3 to be recorded simultaneously (as all are played by the artist).

best acoustic guitar recordings-opinions

Gday guys and gals, just sitting here wondering what your fave acoustic guitar recorded songs/albums are, and why? I always wonder how some songs/albums are able to sound so good...What do you look for in these types of sounds? What is your ultimate or 'holy grail' sound for an acoustic guitar? how do you get them?
Cheers, just thought id bring up a sort of specific thread..