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Looking for New Audio Card - Need Advice

I currently have a GINA 20 Bit card and am having
compatibility issues with my new Motherboard(ECS K7S5A).I have heard that ECHO cards are not compatible with the SIS735 chipset.What would be a good replacement card that would work with this machine. Would like at least 2 ins, 2 outs, midi in,out, and digital out.

Thanks in advance

Sonar 3 Tutorial--Advice on Advanced Topics

About 9 months ago some of you on this board helped me make "Sonar--Swift & Deep", my screen video tutorial, a success by providing useful advice when I was creating it. Now I'm nearing the release of its successor, "Sonar 3--Know It All !", and I'm again asking for advice. This time I'm including a "What's New" and an "Advanced Topics" section.

My studio is finally for real... ! advice?

So I haven't posted here in a while now. I've been mainly working with my band and getting my engineering jobs going which is finally happening. I am almost done with my new rooms measuring 26 x 15' with 10' ceiling (band room) and a 12.5 x 15' with 11' ceiling control room. I just bought a 32 channel Sony MXP3036 with ALL the tuchels and wiring for the huge patchbay for $7500!


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