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Golden Room dimension?

I am trying to find some good guidelines on room dimensions for a drum recording/ mixing room. The actual structure I have a good feel for but where I'm stuck is what would be the best room dimensions for a basement - 7-8' ceiling.

I have read about golden dimensions but that doesn't seem to work with the ceiling height and maintaining a minimum room volume.

Need opinion on reverb

I've been messin around with recording as a hobby all my life. I've been using a Tascam 244 PortaStudio and Cakewalk 6.0 on my computer, and have come into a little bit of cash. I want to set up a semi vintage analog studio in my basement, and have my eye on an MCI JH-24 2" 24 track, and an MCI 600 series console that a studio I know is selling cause their going out of business.


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