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CPU usage/Sonar

I'm running a Sonar with an oldish PC. Now, I'm having troubles with mixing i.e. dropouts while recording a complete mix. Is there an easy way to give a little help for the poor PC? I'm almost done with mixing but few songs just won't go. So I'm not going to upgrade the PC for this purpose. That will happen later. It's the CPU meter that is running red, not the HD.

CPU going spastic.

hey guys I'm using RME FF800 with Cubase sx3. Everything was going fine but now when i playback my audio files my cpu usage goes to about 50-60% which starts to click on the audio. I'm running my latency at 48ms but when i increase it even to 100ms the problem is still there which makes it impossible to track a song .

cpu confusion

:) hi, i am about to upgrade my old amd athlon daw, to something that doesn`t max out at 30 tracks, the problem i have is that i can`t decide which cpu to go for, amd 64,venice 3200 or the intel 630 emt64
they are aroungd the same cost at the moment in the UK about £120,
so i would be grateful for any advice.

Most / Least CPU efficient multitracking software?

I am just curious what you guys think.. Im talking a windows eviroment personaly, but mac guys feel free to chime in.

Whats the least/most hard on computer systems?

Here are just a few I could think of off the top of my head..

Cubase le, sx
Pro Tools LE
N-Track Studio (not a top nitch program, but efficiant and cheap)