Cheaper alternative to PollstarPro?
Does anyone know of a cheaper alternative to PollstarPro's expensive $399 membership?
I'm an independent musician looking into finding clubs, managers and booking agents info so I can book gigs and tours with my band, but can't afford PollstarPro's expensive membership cost.
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Cheap, portable outdoor sound booth?
I'm looking to construct a transparent sound booth to conduct seated audio recorded interviews in public. It doesn't need to be completely soundproof, but it needs to significantly buffer sound from the street (it might not need a top) and it must be see-though so that pedestrians can watch interviews.
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"Cheap" Computer for Pro Tools LE 8
[=""]FAST! Gaming PC, GeForce GTS450, 4GB DDR3, 1000GB HD, blu-ray pics[/]="http://austin.craig…"]FAST! Gaming PC, GeForce GTS450, 4GB DDR3, 1000GB HD, blu-ray pics[/]
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Cheap-o Recordings
Hello, my name is Chase and I would like to know how to make professional-sounding (what I mean is NO FEEDBACK) recordings. Recordings without hissing and other annoying noises. I have a cheap mic and a used Shure mic already, along with all the instruments I need, but when I try to record, there are annoying hissing sounds with BOTH mics. I a newb, so I know little about this.
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cheap bass cab speaker?
I have an Ampeg 12inch SS bass amp.
The speaker is shot.
Any suitable replacements for under 80 $USD?
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Cheap Headphones for tracking
I have 6 outs on my headphone amp.
Looking for a total of 6 headphones for my middle school recording studio.
I think I want to get 2 pairs of the Vic Firth Isolation headphones.
I am looking for 3 pairs of headphones for tracking, hopefully in the price range of 20 to 30 US dollars.
Also, I need one pair for mixing, with a budget of 50-60.
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Cheap Monitors Shootout!
In the first corner in the black trunks:
Behringer Truth B2031A's (8 inch)
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Looking for cheap firewire Vista-compatible interface
Hey guys,
I'm new to the whole recording game, and I'm trying to get started. Here's what a buddy of mine uses, with pretty good results, and what I'm trying to approximate:
-PreSonus Firepod (not sure what model)
-EZDrummer/Drumkit from Hell
Upgrading my home recording equipment, Tips for keeping it cheap?
As i'm sure has been brought up here the basic Macbook which i currently use no longer has a firewire input. This is a problem i haven't had a problem with as an LE w/MBox home recording system. But now that i'm looking for work a higher level of professionalism is required in my home mixing and recording.
Tired of Cheap Gear
A little sick of the questionable quality of lower end gear. I'm not looking for a major investment but I'm looking for something reliable. I've been considering the A&H Zed R16 or there's also the Fireface. I know that people are quite satisfied with the RME stuff. I'm wondering though about the Zed R16. Anyone using it with Windows 7?
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