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Neumann U87i vs U87ai comparison


I found this interesting and entertaining so here ya go. It was pretty hard to hear the subtle detail on a youtube but to me they sounded close but the ai was sightly brighter. Interesting to hear how everyone hears things different. I like the fact they had a women's ears in this too. Women tend to be less tolerant to upper mids and she chose the ai.

DAW to DAW software comparisons

With PT9, Pro Tools is now available as a software-only DAW. So now software to software comparisons of the major DAWs can be made without all of those hardware demons lurking in the back of our minds. I'd like to encourage those of you with extensive experience on multiple DAWs to chime in with comparisons of (1) workflow (2) features and (3) technical specs.

Ultimate Pot Value Comparison

The debate between using standard 500k pots vs using higher value 1M pots has been raging... (yes it has, shut up) and I intend to shed some light on the situation. I swapped my pots this morning, but before I did I took DI's. After I put the 500k's in I made more DI's and then reamped all of them. Let me know what you hear, what you like, and why.