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A valve (tube) microphone is a condenser microphone which uses a valve (tube) amplifier rather than a transistor circuit. The condenser microphone, invented at Western Electric in 1916 by E. C. Wente, is also called a capacitor microphone or electrostatic microphone—capacitors were historically called condensers. Condenser microphones are best used to capture vocals and high frequencies. They are also the preferred type of microphone for most studio applications. Also known as capacitor microphones, condenser mics are mainly used in studios because of their detail and accuracy.

I just orderd my first condensor mic!


OK, I am rather excited even though it is only a 50 dollar mic. I can not wait to get it in. I currently am using (well sorta using aka in the box but mine) an M audio Delta 44, and a Yamaha 12 channel mixer with phantom power. Do you think the signal is going to be too soft using just the mixer with no preamp? I do want a preamp and I guess that is the next thing on the list.

Affordable Condenser Mics Thread (ACMT)


My ex girlfriend sold my ol Sure Ksm27 and i never had a chance to use it. its in a range of 299.. i saw an AKG c3000b for the same price. I ask you... . . Which is better?
I also like the way the Blue mics look . ... ... this also has me wondering . ... should i go ahead and save a few more hundred and try one of the blue bad boys?

Has anyone used the Samson CO1U USB condenser mic?


ARGH! I just discovered this condenser mic that connects DIRECTLY via USB...weeks after spending way too much on a firewire audio interface, microphones, etc. It looks as though this might have met my needs...for a fraction of the cost...I can't imagine that the sound is comparable...but who knows? Has anyone bought and used this thing?
